Friday, September 4, 2009

Sweet Bike of Mine

O Sweet Bike of Mine...a bike is essential in this city. My flat mates Daniel and Tanja ride their bikes alllll winter! yeah...hard to believe. But, that is what I will be doing the sooner I get used to riding alongside Berliner traffic the better. I was so excited to get this bike. It is a second hand bike from a thrift store and my butt is already bruised after one day of riding...schön. I need to get one of those soft cushiony bike seats for older frauen. Or a banana seat maybe?


  1. You need to get a helmet if you already have not gotten one. And I don't mean a Helmut!
    Love, Mar

  2. Love it! I wrote in German, "You look marvelous with that fancy bicycle," but my grasp of German colloquialisms is so bad that I wasn't sure if I would be saying that or, well, something very different that you might not appreciate.

    Hey, totally unrelated, let me know if I can ever help with blog/website tech stuff (e.g. security/privacy or whatever).


    Michael (Dallas)

  3. Lovely lady! I love it! I have never had a more sore bottom than I did when I rode our spin bike (I rode every day for a while) and my booty hurt more than any of my muscles!! A cushiony seat is definitely in order.
